Thursday 30 April 2009

Friday is the day!...

Friday is the day that I get paid...YAY...It's also the day that Daniel and I move out and get a little alone time for 6months which will be great! I love living with my Dad but I think Daniel would appreciate not having to fight over things like hot So tonight we WILL be packing, I know, talk about last minute Lil!

Other than that I am trying to concentrate on gathering any overtime at the Post Office and help mum with the online business which is really interesting and good fun, so I don't mind at all..

Monies doing better than I thought it would be at this point, although we still have a large chunk of Overdraft to pay off we're getting there slowly but surely!! Less than 11 months until we set off on our travels!

Working again today so I'll have to go and earn some pennies.


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