Friday 10 April 2009

Bored out of my Brain!!


Today I have decided I could never be someone that sits on there ass at home all day it's my 3rd Day in a row of doing it and I feel like I've lost a good couple of hundred brain cells! There's only so much one person can do whilst taking it easy in a day and I'm no fan of Jeremy Kyle!! So tonight I have plucked my eyebrows, shaved my legs, had a 2hour bath, painted my finger AND toenails, cleaned the house, made the bed and done the dishes, made a budget sheet for travelling, also a target sheet for travelling (I know...Obsessive) and now, NOW, I'm bored again!!!

Not much longer of this insistent pain and I'll be back to the normal me! Daniel's back tomorrow!! I miss him so much when he's not here, I'm lost without him. Plans for this weekend?? Well we have a BBQ on Saturday but something tells me the weather will be rubbish and no plans as yet on Sunday or Monday but will be doing something....Can't stand doing nothing any longer!!

I did also however get so bored I played around on Photo shop and this is what came of that!
I've got to be honest I quite like it, it has LOADS of legendary people in it!! Great memories :)
Anyway I'm going to head off, that's your lot for the night a few ramblings on boredom!
Goodnight, sweet dreams x x

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