Thursday 9 April 2009



You know I mentioned I had my operation to get my impacted wisdom tooth out on the 7th of April!! Well I've had it done and it's hurting so SO much...not eaten properly in 3 days.. I'm bloody starving the only good thing to it is that I'm losing weight at the same time!!

Anyway apart from that Daniel has gone to Leeds for his Birthday weekend so I'm all on my little lonesome, didn't want this operation ruining his weekend aswell!
What have I been up to?? Well I've been sat on my arse for the last 2 days taking silly amount of drugs to stop me from screaming in agony!

Also been saving money, or trying, still trying to clear our debt as well of course.

Debt= £1650
Savings= £250

So that makes us still in debt by £1400

Sounds alot worse than it is as less than a month ago that debt was over £2000 so were getting there, the trick is not spending the money we've saved!! Just got to keep trying it'll be well worth it in the end!!

Anyway lets just hope this horrible pain stops soon...

Take care. x

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