Monday 8 June 2009



We booked our trip officially on Saturday which means there's no turning back! We start off by flying to Colombo, Sri Lanka it's going to be incredible.

I'm sorry I've been a little out of touch but I have been madly trying to save and we no longer have Internet at our place, I have also been really busy helping with the party animal online site which is coming on really nicely I'm enjoying everything at the moment and really working hard to save every penny both myself and Daniel earn! It's tough as it means I can't do everything I want to do all the time but it's all for such a worthwhile reason!

Anyway I know it's abit short as I have to go into work but I will write again soon with the full itinerary!

Take care all :) x x x

1 comment:

  1. Hey honey
    Finally managed to get on and have a read!
    Will give you a ring later
    Love as always xxx
