Thursday 18 March 2010

The Visit To My Mums..

Well, what a fantastic couple of weeks we have had so far. We've been here 6 days today and it feels like 2! It's gone too fast! We have done loads of walking, mooching around shops, visiting old towns, enjoying the glorious sunshine and eating very well!

It feels like I've seen more of the UK in the past 2 weeks than I've seen in my whole life. We haven't managed to stay up past 10pm as we've been so tired! 

We ate at this lovely Vegetarian Cafe in Bath! It was beautiful but as always I ordered mine and then wanted what everyone else had! Typical!

I loved going to the Abbey! The animals were amazing, the peacocks were beautiful and there was one white peacock. Just insane. A definite worth while visit to a very beautiful place! Mum was like Dr Doolittle at one point with all the animals at her feet!

Just 2 weeks today until we fly...very exciting and these butterflies seem to be visiting my tummy more often now. 

We set off to my Auntie and Uncles today at 3pm, I'm really sad that the time seems to be flying by so fast, at the same time I can't wait to start the newest leg of our journey! On to Surrey we go!               

1 comment:

  1. ok so the way to make it work is to click on where it says "2 comments" or whatever and then an entry box shows up for someone to leave a comment. sweeeeeet
