Monday 8 March 2010

On we go to say Goodbye!

Here we go!

First stop Northallerton and so the long goodbyes commence, I'm really excited and ready for our adventure to begin. A week at Daniel's mums will be lovely, we always get well fed and pampered, a fantastic combination if ever there was one!

I'm almost done packing my backpack, which will be closer followed by munching on a egg and tomato ketchup baguette and off to see Gran for a leisurely drive to the train station!

The next three weeks our going to be packed with long walks and fabulous feasts! I CAN'T WAIT!


1 comment:

  1. Hi, just catching up on your news, i am so pleased you are both having a wonderful time. take care of each other and make the most of every minute. Only one question, why Northalleton? that is where i come from.

    love Helen (Hayley's mum) x x
