Sunday 28 March 2010

We're back in St.Annes...3 Days to go!

So we arrived back in St.Annes after a very easy trip up by car..a mere 4 hours from Brighton! We have had a fantastic time travelling around the UK. Everyone has been so lovely and spoilt us rotten. Thank You so much to everyone.

Brighton was lovely. We just chilled out and made some amazing meals. Spent time with some fantastic people. I feel a bit sad now that we're saying goodbye to everyone. I don't want a fuss, just my closest friends under one roof will be the best send off I could ask for.

This is the beginning of our epic journey and I can't wait to start it. Next time I write I will be in a far away country, taking in sites, sun and culture.. so bring it on!

I'm ready to see the world...

Thursday 18 March 2010

The Visit To My Mums..

Well, what a fantastic couple of weeks we have had so far. We've been here 6 days today and it feels like 2! It's gone too fast! We have done loads of walking, mooching around shops, visiting old towns, enjoying the glorious sunshine and eating very well!

It feels like I've seen more of the UK in the past 2 weeks than I've seen in my whole life. We haven't managed to stay up past 10pm as we've been so tired! 

We ate at this lovely Vegetarian Cafe in Bath! It was beautiful but as always I ordered mine and then wanted what everyone else had! Typical!

I loved going to the Abbey! The animals were amazing, the peacocks were beautiful and there was one white peacock. Just insane. A definite worth while visit to a very beautiful place! Mum was like Dr Doolittle at one point with all the animals at her feet!

Just 2 weeks today until we fly...very exciting and these butterflies seem to be visiting my tummy more often now. 

We set off to my Auntie and Uncles today at 3pm, I'm really sad that the time seems to be flying by so fast, at the same time I can't wait to start the newest leg of our journey! On to Surrey we go!               

Sunday 14 March 2010

Daniel's Mum, 1st Stop...

Good Morning,

We arrived at Daniel's Mums Monday 8th March. Always to a huge welcome of lovely food and welcoming hugs! We have been "Non Stop" since we arrived and we didn't even get there until after 6pm. So we had a chilled out first night and went to bed early.

Since we've left work the sun has followed us around with blue skies and glorious sunshine, i feel honoured that we've been so lucky not to have rain.

While we have been staying at Daniel's Mums we have been to York, Whitby and Brymore Ice Cream to meet the Jersey cows and eat some of the delicious ice cream! It was incredible! We have also done loads of walking to get in to the swing of it for our travels. Truly spoilt with fantastic home cooked meals and day-trips out we set off on our way to the train station on Friday 12th March. A date we had in our heads for travelling since booking the tickets in October! On arrival at the train station we were bemused to realise there was no train at the time stated. Daniel checked again through the tickets and we got on the nearest train to the time. We arrived in York in no time at all realising that there were no further trains and on inspecting the tickets further we realised we should have been leaving on the Saturday.. Option A: £110 Train fare and admitting we were in the wrong to a snotty women at customer services. Option B: Staying a night in a B&B at £50 and having to fork out for food but getting a nice nights stay in York. Option C: Swallowing our pride, paying £12 on the train back to Northallerton and getting another home cooked meal and good nights sleep in free accommodation. Yes, we chose "Option C" It was all good fun and made us giggle, although Daniel looked surprisingly grumpy for a while!

After an adventurous week and a silly little mix up we arrived safe and sound at my Mums yesterday! Woohoo.

The plan today is: Going for a nice long walk and then a pub dinner...Perfect :) Happy Mothers Day to all you Mums. I hope your having a day of being spoilt rotten!

I'll try and get around to doing another entry soon...less than 3 weeks until we fly!!

Monday 8 March 2010

On we go to say Goodbye!

Here we go!

First stop Northallerton and so the long goodbyes commence, I'm really excited and ready for our adventure to begin. A week at Daniel's mums will be lovely, we always get well fed and pampered, a fantastic combination if ever there was one!

I'm almost done packing my backpack, which will be closer followed by munching on a egg and tomato ketchup baguette and off to see Gran for a leisurely drive to the train station!

The next three weeks our going to be packed with long walks and fabulous feasts! I CAN'T WAIT!


Thursday 4 March 2010

All Done....

I have finished at the Post Office!

I don't know how i feel...I handled the day pretty well ( that means not to many tears) I feel totally overwhelmed though and everything still feels very surreal.

It's really hard to explain because to anyone reading this, it was just a job, it was sooo much more than that! I am totally stoked about my adventure but at the same time very sad to say goodbye to some very special people in my life.

Brian and Bev are the new starters at the Post Office and they are wonderful people, I feel honoured to have had he opportunity to get to know them and I know they'll look after Jan and do everything they can to support her!

I can't believe the generosity and kindness of some of my customers... I want to say a huge thank you, I don't know if they will read this but if they do (Wayne, Janet and so many others) "You have made my time at the Post Office a pleasure and I have looked forward to going to work each day because of you all"

Last but not least, by any means is Jan, my boss, my Friend and my shrink :) Jan has helped me through so much she's taught me to be patient, to always have faith in those around you and if you ever feel down just remember your lucky to be in the position that many people aren't so fortunate to be in, make the most out of life and to live your dreams. I will always hold her as one of my nearest and dearest!

So I am hoping after a very emotional of day of both ups and downs tomorrow will be a celebration to the first day of our gap year!

First stop "The Taps, Lytham" with Daniel and Dave... Boy am I looking forward to that!

Love to you all.
Steph x