Sunday 9 August 2009

Stealth mode sergeant Kitty Cat!

Hazel had her 21st Birthday party last night, after a long day at work with a rather sore head from the night before I thought that it was best that I just stay for one and then grab myself a nice early night and a long relaxing bath.........however, it didn't quite turn out like that.....instead i had one beer then two, 3, 4, 5 and so on.

It was a wicked night was good to see Haze and have a great catch up with everyone. Wish Daniel was there but he had to go back to his mums to sort out some family business. My favourite part of the night was stealthing around with Kit we ducked and dived in-between cars, and had our imaginary guns. Kit always has that way of making you smile no matter what mood your was bloody hilarious! So cheers Kit for putting a smile on my face, cheers Hazel for having a wicked party and supplying us with beer and cheers to everyone that was there that had to listen to my drunken ramblings!
Beautiful day today and it's Newburns birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY PAL. Enjoy the sunshine!

Take it easy x

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