Friday 28 August 2009

Finished Tattoo!

Amazing I've had my tattoo finally finished and I think it's incredible (even if I do say so myself) I'm going to wait until it's fully healed before I put any pictures up, so hold tight!

Travelling news..... 216 Days until we're on our merry way and I can't wait. We went to the Doctors the other day about the jabs and we've managed to get our Malaria tablets free on the NHS which is unexpected and will save us around £700 for the year! We have our Hepatitis jab in September and not sure about the others yet. All this brings the trip so much closer it feels less like a dream and more of reality now :)

Mum's coming to stay this weekend so looking forward to seeing her millions, she's not seen my new tattoo yet so really looking forward to seeing what she thinks of it. Also I'm still working hard on the Party Animal Site but I have to say things do seem a little quiet at the minute. We've been having some problems with the online checkout and are having to get online customers to pay over the phone which is a bit of a nightmare but if all goes well Mum's going to start writing a completely new site which will be great.

Take care everyone :)

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