Monday 24 August 2009



Another great weekend. On Friday Daniel and I had a quiet night in and watched a film called Powder Blue, surprisingly very good and worth a watch. On Saturday we walked to Lytham and sat outside the Queens on the green with some cold beers and some good friends, we went back to Amanda's and Adams for a little BBQ which was bloody lovely although I haven't stopped being sick I don't blame the cooking I do however think I've come down with a bit of a stomach bug...Ah welll!

Totally forgot to mention this great news! Daniel and Chris are going to be working along side Damien Hirst. Yeah that's right DAMIEN HIRST! So proud of them boys, they'll be in their element! Got to show you this picture of them together!
Anyway short but sweet, I have got to get to work. I'll try and update you a bit more next time.
Take it easy. x

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