Friday 28 August 2009

Finished Tattoo!

Amazing I've had my tattoo finally finished and I think it's incredible (even if I do say so myself) I'm going to wait until it's fully healed before I put any pictures up, so hold tight!

Travelling news..... 216 Days until we're on our merry way and I can't wait. We went to the Doctors the other day about the jabs and we've managed to get our Malaria tablets free on the NHS which is unexpected and will save us around £700 for the year! We have our Hepatitis jab in September and not sure about the others yet. All this brings the trip so much closer it feels less like a dream and more of reality now :)

Mum's coming to stay this weekend so looking forward to seeing her millions, she's not seen my new tattoo yet so really looking forward to seeing what she thinks of it. Also I'm still working hard on the Party Animal Site but I have to say things do seem a little quiet at the minute. We've been having some problems with the online checkout and are having to get online customers to pay over the phone which is a bit of a nightmare but if all goes well Mum's going to start writing a completely new site which will be great.

Take care everyone :)

Monday 24 August 2009



Another great weekend. On Friday Daniel and I had a quiet night in and watched a film called Powder Blue, surprisingly very good and worth a watch. On Saturday we walked to Lytham and sat outside the Queens on the green with some cold beers and some good friends, we went back to Amanda's and Adams for a little BBQ which was bloody lovely although I haven't stopped being sick I don't blame the cooking I do however think I've come down with a bit of a stomach bug...Ah welll!

Totally forgot to mention this great news! Daniel and Chris are going to be working along side Damien Hirst. Yeah that's right DAMIEN HIRST! So proud of them boys, they'll be in their element! Got to show you this picture of them together!
Anyway short but sweet, I have got to get to work. I'll try and update you a bit more next time.
Take it easy. x

Thursday 13 August 2009

As Promised..

My new tattoo... well as far as I have got after the first 2 and a half hour sitting. I love it! I will put another picture up after it's fully done an healed.

It makes me feel like I'm even closer to going on my travels...not too long now!
Anyway other than that Daniel and I went to the Doctors this morning and are going to be making are appointment for our jabs as soon as possible, some of them are really expensive especially the malaria tablets! Hopefully we will get it all sorted soon though.

I have also sorted out to hire out a club for two days before we go so we can have a big going away party! I really can't wait!

Sunday 9 August 2009

Stealth mode sergeant Kitty Cat!

Hazel had her 21st Birthday party last night, after a long day at work with a rather sore head from the night before I thought that it was best that I just stay for one and then grab myself a nice early night and a long relaxing bath.........however, it didn't quite turn out like that.....instead i had one beer then two, 3, 4, 5 and so on.

It was a wicked night was good to see Haze and have a great catch up with everyone. Wish Daniel was there but he had to go back to his mums to sort out some family business. My favourite part of the night was stealthing around with Kit we ducked and dived in-between cars, and had our imaginary guns. Kit always has that way of making you smile no matter what mood your was bloody hilarious! So cheers Kit for putting a smile on my face, cheers Hazel for having a wicked party and supplying us with beer and cheers to everyone that was there that had to listen to my drunken ramblings!
Beautiful day today and it's Newburns birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY PAL. Enjoy the sunshine!

Take it easy x

Saturday 8 August 2009

First part of my tattoo down!

I sat through just over 2 and a half hours of agony and for it I have the most beautiful piece of art on my side! It's not finished yet but the guy I went to Paul Nailer is a truly talented and lovely guy! Really looking forward to my next sitting now. I have some pictures as well so I'll load them up here soon for you all to see!

Still been working very hard as usual, constantly uploading new products to the website, recently we have been getting a lot of nail technicians into the shop and buying this hologram glitter rainbow dust from us, apparently because it's suitable for food it meets all the cosmetic statutory requirements and has become one of our best sellers. The nail technicians that I've spoken to said it is actually much cheaper and better quality than the stuff that they can purchase from the suppliers. Have we found a Niche in the market?
Anyway other than that I haven't been up to too much I went out last night to the station pub in Lytham to watch a wicked band called The Coustics they were amazing!

Hope you are all well, the travel plans are still coming on nicely but savings never as fast as you'd like it to be!

Take care

Sunday 2 August 2009

New Tattoo

I'm getting a new tattoo on thursday it's going to be the first 4 hour sitting of a tattoo that will take up to 8hours and I am really nervous! Can't stop thinking about it! I have been planning this tattoo for just over 2 years and have waited 9 months to get this amazing tattooist called Paul Nailer!

I will show you guys pictures of the progress! My tummy has butterflies and I've still got 4 days to wait! One step closer to the travel plan!

Also went out for Rosy's 21st this last weekend had a great time with everyone..i miss going out sometimes but it will all be worth it when I'm seeing the world!

Hope all you guys are well!

Take it easy! x