Thursday 30 April 2009

Friday is the day!...

Friday is the day that I get paid...YAY...It's also the day that Daniel and I move out and get a little alone time for 6months which will be great! I love living with my Dad but I think Daniel would appreciate not having to fight over things like hot So tonight we WILL be packing, I know, talk about last minute Lil!

Other than that I am trying to concentrate on gathering any overtime at the Post Office and help mum with the online business which is really interesting and good fun, so I don't mind at all..

Monies doing better than I thought it would be at this point, although we still have a large chunk of Overdraft to pay off we're getting there slowly but surely!! Less than 11 months until we set off on our travels!

Working again today so I'll have to go and earn some pennies.


Tuesday 28 April 2009

Moving Again?

Yes we are!!! We must be mad but we have found a nice little flat in St.Anne's which gets us out of Dads hair for a few months, the plan is we spend 5 months at the new place (Without Internet) and then 5months back at Dads before we head off on our merry ways! We move out on Friday! Quick I know!!!

Luke got in touch and the Everest trek is going really well, he still has about 2 weeks before he's home and then he flies straight off to somewhere in Europe! GOOD FOR HIM!

Daniel got his first pay packet last Friday and we are slowly starting to see some of the debt disappear and the savings begin to build up! What a relief!

May 1st- Moving house again!
June 11th- Appointment with STA Travel (first deposit)
June 18th- Daniel playing a gig in Leeds
Aug 6th & 27th- Tattoo appointments for full side design!

Busy few months!

I'm off to work to earn some more pennies!!

Love to all :)

Friday 17 April 2009

The Weekends almost here :)


Well Luke left yesterday morning on his trip to Island Peak in Nepal, he's gone for three weeks and I'm going to miss him loads! GOOD LUCK LUKE!

I'm off to Daniels mums for the weekend which will be nice apart from the four hour train ride that is, we're going straight from work tonight to Northallerton and coming back Sunday will be great to see Chris and Ellie too!

Pay Day today and one step closer to going travelling, as of today I will have the credit card completely paid off! Oh it's about time! and it 394 Days until we go! Woooop! Not that I'm counting....

Anyway speak to you after the weekend!

x x x

Wednesday 15 April 2009

Back to the usual

Good Morning,

I'm back to work at the Post Office and working hard as ever! It's Luke's leaving do tonight, he leaves to go to Nepal for three weeks to do Island Peak in the Everest Region! He's a legend and one of my best friends! When he gets back he's spending a week back in England and then abruptly following it with 4 months work in he doesn't know yet but most likely to be France! He's going to have a great time! So we're all going out for a couple of drinks tonight.

Me? Well I'm finally starting to feel much better after my nasty tooth surgery, stitches are still in but not for too much longer I hope now.

Plans for a new tattoo is on the cards, I have it booked for August but £500-£600 is a big chunk of savings that could go towards travelling! My mind is still not made up...just have to wait and see on that one :)

Anyway take it easy everyone. x

Friday 10 April 2009

Bored out of my Brain!!


Today I have decided I could never be someone that sits on there ass at home all day it's my 3rd Day in a row of doing it and I feel like I've lost a good couple of hundred brain cells! There's only so much one person can do whilst taking it easy in a day and I'm no fan of Jeremy Kyle!! So tonight I have plucked my eyebrows, shaved my legs, had a 2hour bath, painted my finger AND toenails, cleaned the house, made the bed and done the dishes, made a budget sheet for travelling, also a target sheet for travelling (I know...Obsessive) and now, NOW, I'm bored again!!!

Not much longer of this insistent pain and I'll be back to the normal me! Daniel's back tomorrow!! I miss him so much when he's not here, I'm lost without him. Plans for this weekend?? Well we have a BBQ on Saturday but something tells me the weather will be rubbish and no plans as yet on Sunday or Monday but will be doing something....Can't stand doing nothing any longer!!

I did also however get so bored I played around on Photo shop and this is what came of that!
I've got to be honest I quite like it, it has LOADS of legendary people in it!! Great memories :)
Anyway I'm going to head off, that's your lot for the night a few ramblings on boredom!
Goodnight, sweet dreams x x

Thursday 9 April 2009



You know I mentioned I had my operation to get my impacted wisdom tooth out on the 7th of April!! Well I've had it done and it's hurting so SO much...not eaten properly in 3 days.. I'm bloody starving the only good thing to it is that I'm losing weight at the same time!!

Anyway apart from that Daniel has gone to Leeds for his Birthday weekend so I'm all on my little lonesome, didn't want this operation ruining his weekend aswell!
What have I been up to?? Well I've been sat on my arse for the last 2 days taking silly amount of drugs to stop me from screaming in agony!

Also been saving money, or trying, still trying to clear our debt as well of course.

Debt= £1650
Savings= £250

So that makes us still in debt by £1400

Sounds alot worse than it is as less than a month ago that debt was over £2000 so were getting there, the trick is not spending the money we've saved!! Just got to keep trying it'll be well worth it in the end!!

Anyway lets just hope this horrible pain stops soon...

Take care. x

Sunday 5 April 2009

Drinking and Stocktaking....


It's now less than a year to go until we are on our travels and I know it's going to come around before we know it!

This weekend has been full of working hard and partying hard, it's my family shops weekly shop take this week so we've all been working really hard to get it all done (11 hour straight shift today) The shop is called Party Animal and sells all sorts to do with cake decorating, balloons, party goods, fancy dress, favours and so many more bits and pieces, unfortunately this all takes a very long time to count!

You can visit the shop online by going to

Anyway we also went out to one of our very good friends Amandas boyfriends birthday party! Was so great to catch up with them. It was really good we had a few beers (Some a few more than others) We also got to see Chris and Ellie who is Daniels identical twin brother and his girlfriend! They really are wicked people and it's always a pleasure catching up with them!

Thanks to the extra work at Party Animal we've also earned more pennies to go towards travelling WOOOOHOOO!! There is a long way to go though and only 2 months until we pay the deposit on the flights!!

Anyway I'm going to go relax and have a nice hot bath! Another long day at work tomorrow like the rest of the poor slaves to society!!

Regards Steph x