Tuesday 31 August 2010

Onto Thailand and Thai Curries...

On the 27th August we arrived in Bangkok after a small delay of four hours. We were ready for a beer and a good meal as we hadn't eaten at all that day and it was coming on 8pm at night. After feeding our faces and enjoying a well deserved Leo beer we had a wander up the famous Khao San Road. It is everything you expect it to be....overpriced, tacky and extremely touristy. It's interesting to sit and people watch though, all ages, families, teenagers and even people in the late 60's upward. Hippies, The suited and booted and lady boys. Anything and Everything.
There's a lot to do in Bangkok and not for to unreasonable a price although accommodation, as in any city is overpriced and shabby. We had a great day out to the National Museum which was huge and housed everything from Royal Palanquin's to Thailand arts and crafts. It had over 25 rooms of which are feet gave up at about 22! We had a good look around the city of which streets are laced with jewellery stores, I do wonder how they all manage to survive with so much competition.
On Sunday 29th August we got the worst bus of my life to Chaing Mai, a pure 12 hours of torture. When you have got use to not having air con, an air conditioned bus is like sitting in the snow naked! I was freezing all night and every time I even imagined drifting off to sleep I woke myself up with a violent shiver. Next time I will be putting my fleece on!!!

Chiang Mai is beautiful with tonnes of things to do that don't cost you anything and over 100 temples filling the center. We have kept ourselves busy but Chiang Mai is to be short lived as we're moving on to Laos tomorrow. Unfortunately we won't have the pleasure of travelling with Chris and Ellie as they can't afford the extra travel and visa expenses. We will be no doubt meeting up after we have done Laos and we wish them happy travels and to stay safe, they will be very much missed.

So bring on Loas... Luang Phabang is our first stop but we have a full 18 hours of travel first!...;

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