Thursday 26 August 2010

Phnom Penh - Cambodia

Cambodia is a fantastic country, filled with both sadness and joy, a country that I would recommend to be visited by everyone at least once in their lives. This country has suffered tremendous loss within the last 40 years of it's life, a victim to mass Genocides and an unscrupulousness leader, Pol Pot. Visiting some of the places I have seen in this country has broken my heart, but yet the people stand strong and happy. It's a very kind country and honest in it's ways.

We visited the S-21 Genocide prison, this was the place that Pol Pot set up to torture thousands of innocent victims of Cambodia in attempt to learn any secrets from them, a pure act of evil. It was really emotional to think that all the rooms had been kept the same including the tiny sells they put prisoners in and even the tools they used to torture them. I think the hardest part of all was seeing the pictures that the Khymer Rouge had taken of all the victims. There were thousands of them, each picture you could see the true look of despair in the peoples eyes, the pleading, the longing for release. I wanted to reach out for them and save them but these peoples lives had already been wasted! So sad. We had hard work trying to cheer ourselves up but if the Cambodians can manage it then so could we. We stopped at a little cafe out on a dusty road and sat down for some vegetarian noodles, even though we didn't feel much like eating. The afternoon was rewarded with a visit to The Russian Market and The National Museum.

The following day we went out to The Killing Fields, I was not looking forward to this after my previous experience at the S-21 Museum but I went along as it needs to be seen to stop a tragedy like this happening again. The Killing Fields were tough, the mass graves were a plenty and some had still been undisturbed. People dumped in pits of up to 166 bodies, treated with the most disregard for a human life. Again it was heartbreaking. The afternoon we visited Phnom Penh temple which was nice to stroll around we needed a relaxing afternoon after the past few days.

We got to Siem Reap a few days ago, we have explored the whole town, sitting admiring the scenery, working our way through book after book and eating at a different place every night. It's extremely touristy though so we try and stay out of the main holiday makers part as much as possible. I hate the binge drinking travellers, they ruin the travel experience for me! I would of liked to stay and write about The Angkor Temples but the Internet cafe has had an influx of "Raaah travellers" and I can't stand to listen to them F and Jeff anymore so I'll write about that another day.

The weather is still great here and despite the supposed monsoon wherever we go, we haven't had much other than sunshine filling our day! Fingers crossed it continues this way and I hope at the same time that Europe gets to enjoy some sunshine this summer.

Bye for now England or to my German family... Auf Wiedersehn

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