Tuesday 25 March 2014

First Blog In Nearly 4 Years...

Hello old friend...

So I am not usually this bad at sticking to things but I wrote my last blog way over 3 years ago... Life in 4 years has passed by so quickly, I have a few more aches and pains (all from worthy causes) but my adventure experience has just sky rocketed since we last spoke!

I'm trying to find the words to say what I have done without sucking the life from your wonderful body!

Summing it up...

Had an awesome time on my travels around the world...then....Split up from my boyfriend... (Don't worry he was a douche)...the business I set up turned into a monster and is now my full time job... I'm closer to my friends and family more than ever... I moved to Preston with my new boyfriends (Don't worry, he's a prince)... I love being creative... I've travelled to Indonesia, the Gillies, Malaysia, Sigapore, Tunisia and The Philippines since my last update.... I work 7 days a week ( I'm a workaholic).... I love baking... I'm a bit of a fitness freak AND yoga has changed my life.

No sadly I haven't won the lottery or found a Great Uncle with a huge estate in Kensington but I am happy. Happier than I have ever been.

Anyway make yourself happier with some easy tips I use every day.

  • Stop wishing you have what other people have got - Some people have nothing at all so be thankful.
  • Smile at strangers - Smiles are contagious, I believe they make the difference to the world.
  • Try something you've never done before - You regret what you've not done more than what you've done!
  • Spend time with people who love you - Life's too short for those who are never there, if they are not bothered then that's their loss... K-sera!

Hopefully I'll keep up wit this and bring you guys some updates about the business, life, travels, recipes and adventures.

Or see you in another 4 years!

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