Sunday 4 July 2010

Patan Dubar Square - Nepal

Hello! I am doing quite well with all these updates, one of the advantages with the pictures taking so long to upload is that I have time to kill in-between! Yesterday we went to Patan Dubar Square which is just on the outskirts of Kathmandu and was highly recommended by the lonely planet. An early start of 8am for the coffee run before being picked up by our driver which is costing us a mere 2.00GBP a day each! He has this very sporty looking black car which seems extremely out of place in the dusty city of Kathmandu, arriving with his music blaring through the speakers, music such as Akon and Jamie Bieber...not exactly to out taste but hilarious never the less! A super nice guy as well, with little English but good interpretation!

We arrived in Patan with the sun beating down on us...not quite the monsoon season I was expecting after India. Patans Dubar Square is beautiful but very similar to all the other Dubar Squares with exception of it's incredible museum, a converted temple. We spent a few hours wandering round chatting and getting hassled by touts before jumping back into the then boiling hot black sports car to travel back to our guesthouse.

We spent the rest of the afternoon lazily soaking in the sun and enjoying browsing the shops before going out for a lovely dinner at the Yak (I hear it's Gary's favourite). Daniel also tried a traditional Nepali dish called Tungba, it's made of Millet and is brought to you in a huge wooden jug where you then have to pour boiling hot water over it and wait 2 minutes then repeat once empty...I personally thought it smelt and tasted a bit weird but the lads seemed to enjoy it!

Today we are preparing for the trek, packing, organising etc. Also I want to say a HUGE Happy Birthday to my wonderful friend LUKE! HAPPY BIRTHDAY PAL...sorry I couldn't get on line to say it yesterday!!

Goodbye for now....

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