Sunday 18 July 2010

Last Days in Nepal....

Hi there,

It's going to have to be quite a quick and sloppy blog I'm afraid to say. We leave to Hong Kong in a couple of hours and I still have to enjoy my last bowl of egg thupka and momo's before we depart.

Nepal has been fantastic and my favourite country so far, I loved Pokhara which is West Nepal set beside a huge lake with beautiful mountain views and it has a certain tranquility about it especially when it's out of season!. I learnt to ride a bike in Pokhara... finally at the age of 23 and I impressed myself...although I fear I'm still shaking 6 days later!

Daniel and I are currently sat in the Kathmandu Guest House using their computers as they're the fastest and cheapest we've found in Thamel (it still takes an hour to upload 15 photo's). We fly to Hong Kong this afternoon but have a long wait at Delhi airport before we get our connecting flight. I'm intrigued to see what Hong Kong has install for us, the only thing I do know is that in the 5 days we stay there we'll probably spend more than we did the whole time we were in Nepal! So it's just a quick one to let you know that we're all well and enjoying our fantastic adventure!


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