Saturday 3 April 2010

First few Days in Sri Lanka, Colombo, Dehiwala

Good Afternoon,

We arrived yesterday with next to no sleep! The flights were punishing and we had 15 minutes to transfer at Qatar as there was a delay from Manchester. We ran our socks off and just about made it! On the first flight I enjoyed a bit of Sherlock Holmes and some music. Second flight I tried my hardest to sleep, but with the combination of bright lights, cramped space and screaming children, I must have got at best an hour in total.

On arrival at Colombo airport ( which is NO WAY NEAR Colombo!!) we thought for a couple of seconds about getting the 2 hour bus journey and then decided an air conditioned taxi would be much more suitable at $25 it was a little over priced but we still haggled him down to $23 (Anything to save a few pennies). Whilst fearing for our lives, the drivers in Sri Lanka will literally try anything just to gain a few inches. It took a mere hour and a half to arrive at Hornbill Home Hostel.

Hornbill Home Hostel is very quiet and secluded...away from tourists that is. There's very nice staff here that really do go out their way for you. I would definitely recommend it on service although unfortunately the location is far from great- located in a very poor suburb where families sleep on the beach, there's half built buildings everywhere due to lack of money in the area and the smell of rotting fish, sewers and strong incense fills the daytime air.

Although our first day was tough, we have been and investigated the area and train station. We plan to take the train tomorrow to Hikkaduwa which is a much nicer area famous for it's surf, snorkelling and beaches.

So until we can next post, Au Revoir! x

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