Monday 12 April 2010

Unawatuna, Sri Lanka

The time is 1:30pm on Monday 12th April..34 degrees outside (Not however in this lovely A/C cyber cafe!)

Arriving in to Unawatuna was a breeze compared with Hikkaduwa! We haggled a tuktuk down to 900RPS (5.00GBP) and jumped in for a much more comfortable hour long journey! On arrival, following our Rough Guide book religiously we searched for the cheap hotel stated within called "Sunshine Beach Hotel" after driving back and forwards on numerous occasions down the small dusty roads of Unawatuna, Daniel and I finally gave in and told him to drop us somewhere central and we'd make our own way. Quite by chance, this was most definitely the best decision we had made in the last 2 weeks of travelling, as we stumbled across this incredibly cheap hostel. From the outside you'd think nothing more than it being a restaurant on the first floor of a run-down but somewhat quirky building. The guy upstairs asked if we were looking for a room...we replied "Yeah but we don't have much money" he looked somewhat amused by this and the further reply answered why he said it with a certain smirk! "500RPS ok?" he giggled.. Dan and I looked at each other like we'd won the lottery...There hadn't been anywhere cheaper than triple that so far!

We got to our room, smelling faintly of wet dog and stone (which has increasingly worsened throughout the visit) was small, dark and dingy but it had two beds that pushed together and some fresh covers...all we need! The bathroom is shared but very clean and respectful looking!

After a few days the place we've been staying already feels like home! We never rest and being use to working hard I don't think we've let Phillip and Ransi do much at all for us. We have participated with cleaning, serving dishes to customers and kneading bread! Last night was the real challenge as we had 9 customers come in and all the meals were made from scratch! I am becoming quite the expert at Dosa's and Uppuma! In return of course although we ask for nothing (it's nice to feel useful) they bring us extra big pots of tea, make us little extras for food and even give us a beer at the end of the night!

I do love it here although my mind is already wandering...thinking of India! I also could do with a night in a nice hotel! We are staying until Friday and then we head further down the south coast to see the turtle hatcheries and the temples and then onto Yala National Park where we're getting a jeep ride!

So for now I can't write anymore I have promised Ransi i will be back to help her make...and eat.. some famous Sri Lankan Rice and Curry!

Take care guys and hopefully we'll have chance to write again properly on arrival in India (19th April). Hope all is well back in England! x x

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