Wednesday 24 June 2009

Another payment down!

Great news we've paid more off the flights so only about £1000 now outstanding which will be paid within the next couple of weeks with a little bit of luck! Amazing, still getting my head around the idea of travelling and leaving everything I know behind. I have to say it's becoming increasingly more tempting to jump on a plane tomorrow, at the moment St.Annes feels like such a small place with very little secrets I always feel like I have a painted on smile. Sounds awful really because I do like it around here but I just can't wait to see the world!

I am still enjoying the shop work and uploading new products, our fan base on facebook also seems to still be increasing which is quite incredible, thanks to all of you that have joined and supported!

Anyway I'm tired it's been a long day of work and so far today I have worked nearly 13 hours! I am definitely a workaholic!

Speak to you all again soon

x x x

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