Wednesday 8 April 2015

Wannabe Fitness Freak

I need to be a fitness freak but sadly non of these things have come naturally to me, I totally have or did have the a child I did ballet, freestyle and gymnastics followed by kick boxing as I got a little older but training is either in full swing or its non existent along side dominoes pizzas and a mountain of sweeties!

Anyway I've been totally on the fit side until easter came along... Funny that I don't even celebrate it apart from the chocolate but chocolate is as good as an excuse as any so enough said really..

I'm writing now, just before bed, to ease my guilty conscience and hope that if I write it publicly then it will come true... So here it is:

Tomorrow is the new start of my fitness regime! Tomorrow there will be a new eager me! Tomorrow is going to happen!

So no excuses only we can make the difference we want for ourselves! Plus I need to get in shape for the Swedish kayaking adventure...

This was me back in Feb... We'll aim for a progress update soon!

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