Tuesday 7 April 2015

Kayaking Ullswater

I never realised just how beautiful Ullswater Lake is, overshadowed by its world renowned relatives such as Coniston & Windermere, however this weekend I was fortunate enough to experience its beauty in the glimmering sunshine of the early summer months.

I was surprised to learn that Ullswater is the 2nd largest lake in the Lake District measuring around 15.5k in length (nearly 9 miles).

On the last 6 months I've taken up Kayaking as a hobby and I've been taking advantage of it wherever possible, my main interest has been flat water and sea kayaking. This was one in a long list of outings we've had in our kayaks since purchasing them.

I can highly recommend the paddle on Ullswater, its calm and idyllic with little interruption from other boats and minimal noise pollution unlike Windermere!

Find a good spot close to the water by the side of the lake and you can launch yourself completely free of charge of course permitting you have your own kayak! We have perception Carolinas, great for distance & speed. The perfect kayak for coastal and flat water excursions.

Anyway if you're in the North West of the UK go to Ullswater 'the less popular sister, that has a shy beauty to her' 

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