Thursday 25 February 2010

The last week of work!

Good Morning!
It's just ONE week today until we finish work! Eeeeek! I can't believe this last few weeks have gone so fast, I haven't done much to organise myself... if I'm being honest, apart from the next leg of the trip is all booked and paid for. We are going around the UK to say bye to family and friends and doing it on a budget! Our plan is to first visit Daniels Mum and sister in Northallerton, we are then getting the train directly to my mums in Gloucestershire from there we will be catching a bus to London Victoria and then going on the tube to get to my Uncle Phils and Aunty Fayes in Surrey. Then on from there we get a lift to Brighton and then the last leg is also by car and Ellie and Chris are bringing us back up to St.Annes to see us off!  

I can't believe everything has come around so fast and before we know it we'll be jetting off on our travels!

The last week of work is going to be a strange one, I work two jobs full time and I love them both! I have fantastic customers (well 99%) and I look forward to seeing those who I work with, I will be very sad to leave but also so excited to start a new part of my life!

adiĆ³s amigos 

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