Wednesday 10 February 2010

Bryony's leaving to go to Aus!


We've had a fantastic weekend this last week my dear and close friend Bryony is leaving St.Annes to do a year in Australia and as a bit of a leaving do she had a 50's themed party!
Dancing around to 50's classics, drinking far too much Vodka (some of us more than others) and chatting to friends we haven't seen for ages! The night was full of tear jerking speaches, lots of red lipstick and great laughs!

I will miss Bry loads but I will probably see her before most of my other friends, we have plans to meet up for a few weeks in New Zealand if all goes well! I can't wait!

I've told EVERYONE I have come into contact with the days, the minutes and the seconds until I go away! I must be driving them all mad! My lovely customers at the post office hear about the latest news atleast 3 times a day and Jan has been very good not to tell me to shut my gob....YET! I really do appreciate it (even if they have all had to invest in earplugs)!

Now it's your turn! It's 49 DAYS UNTIL WE FLY! Only 3 weeks and 2 days until I finish work!! I'll miss Jan millions she's been a star..infact I'll miss everyone! I am however going to have the time of my life!

So far we have...well...pretty much everything I think! We have both go our backpacks, Daniels is brand new but mine is my mums that she used when she did a 4 month "around the world trip" she insists that I'm taking it for a holiday and that she wants it back :) I think it's quite nice to be able to do the same as my mum did with the same backpack! We also have walking boots that we got off Ebay for half the price they cost anywhere else!

We have compasses, water bottles with special filters, head torches, torches, swiss army knives, vitamin tablets, mosquito nets, waterproof everything, multi-purpose soap, deet mosquito spray, money wallets, first aid kits, portable washing line, travel towels and more medication than you could even imagine! Hopefully we are going to be well prepared :)

It's been a long entry tonight because I really haven't had chance to spend time writing, I'm currently working an 70-80 hour week between the Post Office and Party Animal...I'm Shattered!

Anyway I'll catch up another time I'm taking advantage of some time off and watching a film called Changeling with Daniel.

Speak soon x

1 comment:

  1. The real test was trying to fit all this stuff into our backpacks! Believe it or not...I managed it! :)
