Wednesday 24 June 2009

Another payment down!

Great news we've paid more off the flights so only about £1000 now outstanding which will be paid within the next couple of weeks with a little bit of luck! Amazing, still getting my head around the idea of travelling and leaving everything I know behind. I have to say it's becoming increasingly more tempting to jump on a plane tomorrow, at the moment St.Annes feels like such a small place with very little secrets I always feel like I have a painted on smile. Sounds awful really because I do like it around here but I just can't wait to see the world!

I am still enjoying the shop work and uploading new products, our fan base on facebook also seems to still be increasing which is quite incredible, thanks to all of you that have joined and supported!

Anyway I'm tired it's been a long day of work and so far today I have worked nearly 13 hours! I am definitely a workaholic!

Speak to you all again soon

x x x

Sunday 14 June 2009

Research on Sri Lanka

Still researching but I have to say it's great to know that it's all booked now! Daniel is taking every ounce of overtime he can get away with and I am working solidly on the Party Animal site! It's coming along nicely! I feel like I'm really making a difference just need some lovely customers to spread the word round about it now!

290 days until we fly....not that i'm counting!!

We're flying into Colombo and are hoping to do a waterfall trek which will be nice, I am not disillusioned however that this whole trip is going to be tough! I am going to have the time of my life but I know I'm going to miss all my friends and family millions!

Got to keep counting down this will come around soooo fast!

Monday 8 June 2009



We booked our trip officially on Saturday which means there's no turning back! We start off by flying to Colombo, Sri Lanka it's going to be incredible.

I'm sorry I've been a little out of touch but I have been madly trying to save and we no longer have Internet at our place, I have also been really busy helping with the party animal online site which is coming on really nicely I'm enjoying everything at the moment and really working hard to save every penny both myself and Daniel earn! It's tough as it means I can't do everything I want to do all the time but it's all for such a worthwhile reason!

Anyway I know it's abit short as I have to go into work but I will write again soon with the full itinerary!

Take care all :) x x x