Thursday 26 March 2009

The Move!!

Morning everyone,

First steps to going travelling is down-sizing in apartment to go and live with my Dad to save lots of money!!

Daniel and I have a long day ahead of us, we're planning on getting it all done in one day (Possibly wishful thinking) This means we can save extra money and be able to make our lovely travel dreams come true!!

We actually put our deposit down on the flight on June 11th so less than 3 months away!! I know this year is goin to zoom by and i just can't wait! Considering getting a second job to make the saving up come on a little faster but don't know what I'd fancy doing?? I already work in a Post Office 5 days a week!

Well it's going to be a long day so I guess I better get cracking!!

Take it easy everyone x x

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