Sunday 22 March 2009

The very first of many!!

Hi there,

Just set up this blog it's looking very basic at the moment but i'm sure I'll soon get the hang of all the technical things to make it look better!!

374 DAYS

Until the big trip I can't much to do, so much to plan, and so much to save up...

Think I might try and find something to show you lot how were getting on with our savings..

First of all I was suppose to be travelling this September and due to my lovely boyfriend Daniel (who is quite the housewife) being sadly made redundant, we've had to put off the trip until April.

April 1st is when it's going to happen! Untill then we have £15,000 target to save up and at the moment we only have one wage (thats untill 30th March when Dan starts his new job). Never the less we will get there no matter what it takes!! So cheeers to that, cheers to the future...IT WILL HAPPEN!!!

Speak soon

Much Love Steph

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