Sunday 29 March 2009

Finally Done!....

We moved all of our things out of the flat today, there's nothing left, nothing that even slightly suggests that we were ever there! It was such a beautiful place but will not be missed.. we needed to move on and move out which in turn means we can save for travelling!!!
1 Year and 3days.... then, the serious saving needs to begin! I hope Daniel can pick up overtime at his new job that would make things considerably easier on money! Our new home feels like ours already it's just perfect and I love having the cats around! Daniel's nervous as it's his first day at work tomorrow after being out of work for nearly 6 months it's going to be great for both of us! Extra money! Step towards travelling.
Busy week this next week and I have my operation coming up. I'm having an operation to get an impacted wisdom tooth out, I've already had one of them done and I think it's one of the single most painful things I have ever been through in my life! Well it's on the 7th April (The day before Daniel's 23rd Birthday) Nearly one week away!! Arrrggh!
Anyway to report no savings as yet towards travel but we are slowly getting rid of the overdraft and the credit card bill first! It sounds worse than what it is, these things happen when you have to support 2 people on 1 wage for 6 months!! Its been a long time coming! We'll get there it's just a matter of time and picking up extra work wherever we can!
Here's to our new home, new life and travelling!
Much love! Always x

Thursday 26 March 2009

The Move!!

Morning everyone,

First steps to going travelling is down-sizing in apartment to go and live with my Dad to save lots of money!!

Daniel and I have a long day ahead of us, we're planning on getting it all done in one day (Possibly wishful thinking) This means we can save extra money and be able to make our lovely travel dreams come true!!

We actually put our deposit down on the flight on June 11th so less than 3 months away!! I know this year is goin to zoom by and i just can't wait! Considering getting a second job to make the saving up come on a little faster but don't know what I'd fancy doing?? I already work in a Post Office 5 days a week!

Well it's going to be a long day so I guess I better get cracking!!

Take it easy everyone x x

Sunday 22 March 2009

The very first of many!!

Hi there,

Just set up this blog it's looking very basic at the moment but i'm sure I'll soon get the hang of all the technical things to make it look better!!

374 DAYS

Until the big trip I can't much to do, so much to plan, and so much to save up...

Think I might try and find something to show you lot how were getting on with our savings..

First of all I was suppose to be travelling this September and due to my lovely boyfriend Daniel (who is quite the housewife) being sadly made redundant, we've had to put off the trip until April.

April 1st is when it's going to happen! Untill then we have £15,000 target to save up and at the moment we only have one wage (thats untill 30th March when Dan starts his new job). Never the less we will get there no matter what it takes!! So cheeers to that, cheers to the future...IT WILL HAPPEN!!!

Speak soon

Much Love Steph