Monday 21 December 2009

Not long Now!

Hi Everyone,

So sorry I have been super slack at staying on top of the blog, Christmas work has been consuming all my free time. I have, however managed to get some time for Travel research this week and we have now booked our flights from Sri Lanka to India (Travandrum) and that's another thing paid for. The only very scary thing is we have only 2 months of pay slips left and no way near the money we were hoping for. This flies right over Daniels head and he says "It'll be fine" I however am a bit more sceptical. We will be living life on the cheap that's for sure.

I can't wait to fly away on the plane, it's got to the point where I fantasize about landing in a beautiful new country every night in my dreams and the hustle and bustle of a chaotic city and the soothing waves lapping up against the shore of some idyllic getaway..... Not long now!

I'm counting down the days!

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