Saturday 7 November 2009

All paid up.....Brighton and to great friends!


I know it's been ages! I have soooo much news for you. First of all I'll tell you about Mine and Daniels trip to Brighton. What a fantastic place, we went down to stay with Chris, Ellie and Steve and what a great catch up we had. My 23rd birthday was on the 27th October and I got spoilt rotten by all of them, I haven't had so much fuss made of me for years and although "we" always insist we don't want anyone to go out of their way, it was so nice to feel so special and I'm really greatful to them all for that.

Ellie and I got some quality girl-time together which mainly consisted of having a right good slagging session, which deffinately needs venting once in a while so we keep our sanity. Ellie is a really great friend and we get on better than I could of ever imagined! We talked about all sorts and of course the possibility that moving to Canada after the world trip could be on the plate....which suits me just fine! We made amazing muffins and they tasted so great and of course drank possibly the best MARGHERITAS ever created!

Since then Daniel and I came back home and back to work and are working VERY hard! The Ebay shop has really taken off and our websites really started to pick up which means, fingers crossed, I'll have a job to come back to when we get back from our travels!

*BIG NEWS* We paid off the full balance of the flights and are now building up our savings fund! So far we've paid £6000 and we just have our spending money to go! We must take as much overtime as possible! With just 145 days and counting we have lots of Visas, Medication and Equipment still to pay for, so we need to really push ourselves!

I think that's pretty much everything for now! I am ready to leave this town........

Take it easy x

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