Wednesday 9 September 2009

I bet you wished you had a pet peacock!

Hi All,

There's has been a new addition to our roof garden...yes a Peacock of all things (Even though I thought they lived in lavish areas of big green fields of rich country manors) Well apparently they live in little St.Annes as well. These are pictures taken of my grans roof top can imagine what my cats must of thought. Although I think even for them, catching and eating a bird of that size is far much to like "HARD WORK" instead staring uneasily at it seemed to please them enough!
Other news is we're going on a good old last minute dash to Dublin next weekend! Can't wait, I've never been but I do hope it's like the stereotypical image I imagine of Irish bands playing live in the corner of some little over-crowded bars while everyone merrily dances around drinking Guinness and Jameson's....that would be awesome...I would also like it very much if only one person says "Top of the morning to ya". Daniel and I are booked in a little place just walking distance from Temple bar and can't wait to see something other than's hoping!

Hope your all great! I know I am!

Friday 4 September 2009


Hi Guys!

Hope everyone's good, I'm shattered I worked a 14 hour shift yesterday at Party Animal in hope to get some of the Halloween fancy dress and decorations on the Internet and ready to go and still feel like I have barely touched the never-ending supply that Party Animal offers!

I've got to say I love Halloween though, not only is it around my Birthday but as a kid I always use to have Halloween parties, which were always great fun and of course having a party shop in the family meant that I had my pick of the spooky decorations on offer!

This Halloween however I am going to Brighton to see a couple of my favourite people Ellie and Chris and of course Daniel and Chrissfer have got the Damien Hirst exhibition to attend and take part in so it should be an extra special birthday and Halloween.
I wonder what it will be like spending Halloween in a hot country when we're travelling next year? At that point in our trip we will be in Indonesia possibly on some little islands just off the cost of Bali.... Talking about ravelling there's 209 DAYS TO GO! It's really sneaking up fast now! Woooooo culture here we come!